Pandas and Obspy are incredible pieces of software that definitively make my life easier ! In this tutorial, we will get seismic Event data from IRIS using Obspy, then analyse the catalog using Pandas, to end up with a “Seismicity…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Pandas and Obspy are incredible pieces of software that definitively make my life easier ! In this tutorial, we will get seismic Event data from IRIS using Obspy, then analyse the catalog using Pandas, to end up with a “Seismicity…
Imagine we want to plot a map of the seismic activity in NW-Europe and, at the same time, count the number events per month. To get a catalogue of earthquakes in the region, one can call the NEIC (note: this…
In the coming months, I’ll prepare some tutorials over an excellent data analysis package called pandas ! To show you the power of pandas, just take a look at this old tutorial, where I exploited the power of itertools to…