Pandas and Obspy are incredible pieces of software that definitively make my life easier ! In this tutorial, we will get seismic Event data from IRIS using Obspy, then analyse the catalog using Pandas, to end up with a “Seismicity…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Pandas and Obspy are incredible pieces of software that definitively make my life easier ! In this tutorial, we will get seismic Event data from IRIS using Obspy, then analyse the catalog using Pandas, to end up with a “Seismicity…
Very early this morning, a meteor lit up the skies of Russia, somewhere close to Ekaterinburg. Same as for the Korean Boom Boom, we wanted to have a look at the seismic data of a close-by station to check if…
This morning, North Korea tested some nuclear “bomb” somewhere in the middle of the country (confirmed by Pyongyang officials and CTBTO), and many seismic sensors worldwide recorded the triggered waveforms. The location of the test is the same as the…
Obspy is a really cool package for seismological observatories. In fact, it’s a super set of packages. They are distributed using eggs and have a nice way of declaring namespaces and entry points. The disadvantage, in my case, is that…