The Jacknife is also sometimes called the “Leave One Out” method, and is a method to somehow evaluate the stability of statistics done on data. By leaving one element out of the input array and studying the mean of the…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
The Jacknife is also sometimes called the “Leave One Out” method, and is a method to somehow evaluate the stability of statistics done on data. By leaving one element out of the input array and studying the mean of the…
Following a question from my dear colleague Devy, here is how to plot a set of events, occurring at random moments in time. The idea is to plot the waveform of each event with the beginning at the top and…
Imagine we want to plot a map of the seismic activity in NW-Europe and, at the same time, count the number events per month. To get a catalogue of earthquakes in the region, one can call the NEIC (note: this…
Following the comments on this year-old post I’ve had a look at pyshp which seems a little more maintained (the last line in the changelog is 1 year old…), and it is indeed a quite nice piece of code. I…
To extend the previous tutorial (see here), we define a data array that has some information about the event that occurred for each datetime. The plot of data vs time now looks like: The data array is constructed with numpy.random:…
New tutorial, more advanced this time ! Let’s say we have a number of observations, like occurrences of earthquakes, or visitors connecting to a webserver, etc. These observations don’t occur every second, they are sparse on the time axis. To…
Everyone used to search for code snippets on the web know the importance of a “Gallery” linking to all examples and tutorials… So, here is my really ugly Gallery :
Following a question from Ricardo Gama (see his comment), I’ve prepared this new tutorial. He wondered if Basemap has a function similar to the track1 function in matlab (you know, that crappy costly thing…)… Here is what I obtained :…
Hi folkes, Following a question by Gui on this website, I checked the “how to” draw pie charts on a basemap plot ! Here below I generalise the example given by Manuel Metz on the matplotlib website. The idea is…
Here, we will focus on adding a “zoom box” on the top left corner of the plot. But before that, we will mask a part of the earthquakes, in order to have a “cleaner” map ! This is achieved by…
Now, let’s imagine we have a dataset containing latitude/longitudes of earthquakes, plus their depth and magnitude. Of course, you don’t always have this dataset available, so let’s build a fake one : import numpy as np lon = np.random.random_integers(11,79,1000)/10. lat…
# # BaseMap example by # tutorial 01 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.7,8.3)) #Custom adjust of the subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05,right=0.95,top=0.90,bottom=0.05,wspace=0.15,hspace=0.05) ax = plt.subplot(111) #Let’s create a basemap around Belgium m…