10 months ago, I published the updated version of my tutorial to pack an Enthought TraitsUI based application inside an .exe Windows Executable file, using a standard Python 2.7 install and the Enthought Tool Suite 4.0 (ETS4.0). In April 2013,…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
10 months ago, I published the updated version of my tutorial to pack an Enthought TraitsUI based application inside an .exe Windows Executable file, using a standard Python 2.7 install and the Enthought Tool Suite 4.0 (ETS4.0). In April 2013,…
In October 2010, I published a small tutorial on how to build a .exe Windows executable for ETS (Enthought Tool Suite) 3.5.0 -based applications. Today, I present the edited version of the setup script, to match the new Enthought Namespace…
[DEPRECATED if you use ETS 4.0 — see the new version] So, guys, today is a great day, BIG news : I succeeded packaging an Enthought Traits UI script inside a standalone package. Keys to remember: To get things to…
Great news from last week : ETS 3.5.0 is out ! Note the change in the source-download process.. Now using an unique ets.py file instead of the ProjectTools ! http://blog.enthought.com/open-source/enthought-tool-suite-3-5-0-released/ http://www.optiniche.com/blog/117/wordpress-trackback-tutorial/
I finally managed to install Enthought Python Distribution on my Windows 7 64bit box. In fact, I installed EPD 32bits (I’m a student, the academic licence is free). So, the solution was in the Mailing List Archive (enthought-dev) : Disable…