At ROB, we don’t use Earthworm (ew) for real time acquisition or monitoring, but we have installed it on our computer at the Kawah Ijen observatory in order to group all seismic fluxes on a single machine, and thus a…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
At ROB, we don’t use Earthworm (ew) for real time acquisition or monitoring, but we have installed it on our computer at the Kawah Ijen observatory in order to group all seismic fluxes on a single machine, and thus a…
Pandas and Obspy are incredible pieces of software that definitively make my life easier ! In this tutorial, we will get seismic Event data from IRIS using Obspy, then analyse the catalog using Pandas, to end up with a “Seismicity…
We needed to execute an old-but-working 16bits program to locate earthquakes called “HypoEllipse” (source), but calling it from the Windows 7 x64 boxes resulted in a nice : Bam ! Not working, sorry for you… No ! I say No…
Very early this morning, a meteor lit up the skies of Russia, somewhere close to Ekaterinburg. Same as for the Korean Boom Boom, we wanted to have a look at the seismic data of a close-by station to check if…
Following a question from my dear colleague Devy, here is how to plot a set of events, occurring at random moments in time. The idea is to plot the waveform of each event with the beginning at the top and…
This morning, North Korea tested some nuclear “bomb” somewhere in the middle of the country (confirmed by Pyongyang officials and CTBTO), and many seismic sensors worldwide recorded the triggered waveforms. The location of the test is the same as the…
Imagine we want to plot a map of the seismic activity in NW-Europe and, at the same time, count the number events per month. To get a catalogue of earthquakes in the region, one can call the NEIC (note: this…
While in Indonesia last July, I created a small tool for the Kawah Ijen observers to allow them to search and plot teleseismic events and to calculate theoretical arrival times of the waves at the Ijen stations. It took roughly…
Vanavond om 20:38, een aardbeving vond plaats in West-Vlaanderen. Het werd gevoeld door de bevolking in de dorpen van Ruddervoorde, Zedelgem en misschien zelfs tot Brugge. Iedereen die heeft het gevoeld is uitgenodigd om de enquête in te vullen op…
Live from AGU Fall Meeting 2010, I can’t resist to share some waves with you all !!
During the night, an earthquake struck the vicinity of Hofheim am Taunus. If you felt this earthquake, please fill in the inquiry on the “Royal Obseravtory of Belgium | University of Cologne” website : Link =