Ok, this must be many years old, but I found it today, so let’s call it a Discovery. The following link gives you the ability to download a network-linked colour-coded relief overlay from Maps-For-Free, but directly in Google Earth. I…

Thomas Lecocq @ the Royal Observatory of Belgium
Ok, this must be many years old, but I found it today, so let’s call it a Discovery. The following link gives you the ability to download a network-linked colour-coded relief overlay from Maps-For-Free, but directly in Google Earth. I…
24 September 1983. I’m born. Since then, damn, already 30 years… I’m not going to talk about my life, it’s not even interesting to myself. I’d rather give a brief history of the IT background I’ve learnt during the last…
We needed to execute an old-but-working 16bits program to locate earthquakes called “HypoEllipse” (source), but calling it from the Windows 7 x64 boxes resulted in a nice : Bam ! Not working, sorry for you… No ! I say No…
Very early this morning, a meteor lit up the skies of Russia, somewhere close to Ekaterinburg. Same as for the Korean Boom Boom, we wanted to have a look at the seismic data of a close-by station to check if…
Geophysique.be has been updated to WordPress 3.5 and while the previous theme is still compatible with this new version, I’ve decided to switch to the very clean TwentyTwelve theme. This theme is completely responsive, so the site is now viewable…
Live from AGU Fall Meeting 2010, I can’t resist to share some waves with you all !!
Don’t be scared, you are on geophysique.be ! I’m just trying some new themes for this blog/website. I want to make it more readable, but also easier to search/scroll. I kinda like this “eos” theme, the “content” column is nice…
Premier billet de “Géophysique.be”, où je publierai des informations en relation avec la Géophysique, les méthodes de prospection, leur théorie, des exemples de codes informatiques de traitement de données scientifiques, … Un premier code python pour démarrer : print “Hello…