To add some interesting information to the previous tutorial, I’ve downloaded the number of licence plates given for new cars in Belgium for the same time span:
2005 587764 2006 633570 2007 644313 2008 652590 2009 571001 2010 642086 2011 679619
Load them in the same fashion:
plates, number = np.loadtxt('newplates.txt',skiprows=1,unpack=True) xdates2 = [datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(date)),'%Y') for date in plates]
Add another Y axis to the plot and plot them using :
ax2 = ax.twinx(),number,width=365,alpha=0.4,label='New Cars') plt.ylim(550000,700000) plt.legend(loc=4) plt.ylabel('Number of Plate for New Cars') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.grid()
we set the bar to begin at the date and with a width of 365. Yes, the “unit” of matplotlib date-axis is “Day”.
The result is both good looking, and surprisingly shows a very nice correlation between the fuel prices and the number of new cars in Belgium…
The full code is after the break.
# # Matplotlib Date example by # tutorial 02 """ Using : Number of new licence plates in Belgium (, in French) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import datetime somedates, e95, e95vatx, e98, e98vatx, dies, diesx = np.loadtxt('carburants.txt',skiprows=1,unpack=True) xdates = [datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(date)),'%Y%m') for date in somedates] fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(xdates, e95,'o-',label='E95') plt.plot(xdates, e98,'o-',label='E98') plt.plot(xdates, dies,'o-',label='Diesel') plt.legend(loc=2) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Fuel Price (Euro/Litre)') plates, number = np.loadtxt('newplates.txt',skiprows=1,unpack=True) xdates2 = [datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(date)),'%Y') for date in plates] ax2 = ax.twinx(),number,width=365,alpha=0.4,label='New Cars') plt.ylim(550000,700000) plt.legend(loc=4) plt.ylabel('Number of Plate for New Cars') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.grid() plt.savefig('dates-tutorial02.png')