Following a very old post (link), and questions from Matthias and Kevin, I’ve finally managed to test the R2-related scripts I wrote long-long time ago…
I’m really sorry, but don’t quite have the time now to really document all functions/actions, but it should be quite straightforward. This script assumes you start from a ABEM S4K file, or with a ABEM AMP file converted using the command ‘s 4kconv.exe -F:a -z0 -x myinputfile.s4k’. If you have the S4K file, you should be able to convert is on the fly with the script (look for the “convert=False” flag). There are no fancy python imports, except the classic trio: numpy, scipy and matplotlib.
NOTE: there seems to be a problem with the os.spawnl() call to R2.exe within the code, I don’t quite know why for now. So, to run the test, I simply launched R2.exe in console and re-ran the python script to plot the results.
The ouptut of the test case should look like :
The scripts, thus, expects :
- a data folder with
- a .S4K of .AMP file
- a .wgs84 file, N lines of ‘LON LAT ALT’, 1 per electrode
- R2.exe
- if you need to convert, a folder with the s4kconv.exe program
This code should really be improved to be more “dynamic”, if you edit/modify/improve it, please report back and I’ll update/add your contribution to this blog.
The full code and the example data files are present after the break !
The following files should be placed under a /data folder (and remember to copy the R2.exe to this folder too): data.rar
The full code is:
# import os import datetime import sys from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, show, scatter class ResistivityData: def __init__(self): self.title = '' def ParseAMP(self, file): file = file[:-3] + 'AMP' f = open(file,'r') datalines = f.readlines() f.close() self.basefolder = os.path.split(file)[0] # read header file = os.path.basename(datalines[0].split(":",1)[1].strip()) instrument_model, instrument_serial = datalines[1].split(":",1)[1].strip().split() date, time = datalines[2].split(":",1)[1].strip().split() day, month, year = [int(str) for str in date.split("/")] hours, mins, secs = [int(str) for str in time.split(":")] # date and time is sometimes completely off try: date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, mins, secs) except ValueError: print "Warning: date and/or time out of range!" S4Kfile = AMPfile[:-4] + '.S4K' if os.path.exists(S4Kfile): print "Using ctime of file %s" % S4Kfile ctime = os.path.getctime(S4Kfile) else: print "Using ctime of file %s" % AMPfile ctime = os.path.getctime(AMPfile) date_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ctime) basestation_coords = datalines[3].split(":",1)[1].strip().split() header_rows, data_rows, topo_rows = [int(w) for w in datalines[4].split(":",1)[1].strip().split()] acquisition_mode = datalines[5].split(":",1)[1].strip() method = datalines[6].split(":",1)[1].strip() electrode_layout = int(datalines[7].split(":",1)[1].strip().split()[0]) coordinate_type = datalines[8].split(":",1)[1].strip() dE = float(datalines[9].split(":",1)[1].strip()) self.dE = dE PPlus = [] PMinus = [] CPlus = [] CMinus = [] Resist = [] for i, line in enumerate(datalines[27:]): no, time, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, mx, my, mz, nx, ny, nz, i, v, r, error = line.split() # print no, int(ax)+32, int(bx)+32, int(mx)+32, int(nx)+32, i, v, r, error p_plus = int(mx)+32 p_minus = int(nx)+32 c_plus = int(ax)+32 c_minus = int(bx)+32 r = float(r) PPlus.append(p_plus) PMinus.append(p_minus) CPlus.append(c_plus) CMinus.append(c_minus) Resist.append(r) # print no, p_plus, p_minus, c_plus, c_minus, r self.PPlus = PPlus self.PMinus = PMinus self.CPlus = CPlus self.CMinus = CMinus self.Resist = Resist def create_mesh(self): electrode_spacing = self.dE max_depth = 40.0 layers_thickness = 1.0 mesh_X_increment = electrode_spacing / self.split_factor ### MESH GENERATION : borders = array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,4,5,10,25,50]) # print sum(borders) before = borders[::-1]*mesh_X_increment # print before after = borders*mesh_X_increment # print after central = ones((self.num_electrodes*self.split_factor)+1-self.split_factor-1)*mesh_X_increment # print 'len central', len(central) # print 'central', central tempX = hstack((before,central,after[:-1])) # print 'len tempX', len(tempX) # print 'tempX', tempX old_value = -103.0 * mesh_X_increment # TO CHANGE !! meshX = [] for value in tempX: old_value += value meshX.append(old_value) # print len(meshX), meshX bottom = array([2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,8,10,20,50,100]) depth = ones(max_depth / layers_thickness) tempY = hstack((depth,bottom)) old_value = 0.0 meshY = [old_value,] for value in tempY: old_value += value meshY.append(old_value) topog = zeros(len(meshX)) num_of_elements = (len(meshX)-1)*(len(meshY)-1) self.meshX = meshX self.meshY = meshY self.topog = topog self.num_of_elements = num_of_elements def export_R2in(self): output = os.path.join(self.basefolder,'') output = open(output,'w') num_electrodes = self.num_electrodes split_factor = self.split_factor output.write("Header generated\n") output.write("\n") output.write(" 1 4 3.0 0 1\n") output.write("\n") output.write(" %i %i << numnp_x, numnp_y\n" % (len(self.meshX),len(self.meshY))) output.write("\n") out = "" for i, value in enumerate(self.meshX): if i % 15 == 0: output.write("%s\n"% out) out = "" out += "%f\t"%value output.write("%s\n"% out) output.write("\n") out = "" for i, value in enumerate(self.topog): if i % 15 == 0: output.write("%s\n"% out) out = "" out += "%f\t"%value output.write("%s\n"% out) output.write("\n") out = "" for i, value in enumerate(self.meshY): if i % 15 == 0: output.write("%s\n"% out) out = "" out += "%f\t"%value output.write("%s\n"% out) output.write(""" 1 << num_regions 1 %i 100.000 << elem_1,elem_2,value 1 1 << no. patches in x, no. patches in z 1 << inverse_type 1 0 << data type (0=normal;1=log), regularization type 1.0 10 2 1.0 << tolerance, max_iterations, error_mod, alpha_aniso 0.00100 0.02000 -10000.0 10000.0 << a_wgt, b_wgt, rho_min, rho_max """ % (self.num_of_elements)) electrode_indexes = linspace(0,num_electrodes*split_factor,num_electrodes+1) electrode_indexes += 13 + split_factor output.write(" %i << num_electrodes\n" % (num_electrodes)) for i, value in enumerate(electrode_indexes[:-1]): output.write("%i\t%i\t%i\n" % (i+1, value, 1)) def export_R2Protocoldat(self): output = os.path.join(self.basefolder,"protocol.dat") output = open(output,'w') output.write("%i\n" % len(self.Resist)) i = 1 for P,p,C,c,r in zip(self.PPlus,self.PMinus,self.CPlus,self.CMinus,self.Resist): output.write("%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%f\n" % (i, P,p,C,c,r)) i+=1 def add_topo(self,file=None): if file: f = open(file,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() Z = [] for line in lines: # ID, x, y, z = line.split() x, y, z = line.split() z = float(z) Z.append(z) x_old = linspace(1.,self.num_electrodes, self.num_electrodes) x_new = linspace(1.,self.num_electrodes, (self.num_electrodes*self.split_factor)+1-self.split_factor-1) if file: Z = array(Z) Z_new = interp(x_new,x_old,Z) else: Z_new = ones(len(x_new))*100. before = linspace(Z_new[0],Z_new[0],13) after = linspace(Z_new[-1],Z_new[-1],12) Z_new = hstack((before,Z_new, after)) before = linspace(-12,0,13) after = linspace(self.num_electrodes+1,self.num_electrodes+13, 13) x_new = hstack((before, x_new, after)) self.topog = Z_new class R2_Data: def __init__(self, num_electrodes, split_factor, dE): self.num_electrodes = num_electrodes self.split_factor = split_factor self.dE = dE self.title = '' def extract_topo(self, xin, yin, Rin,Show=False): #EXTRACT THE TOPOGRAPHY, hence THE Max yin for each xin last_xi = 9999 Yi = [] Xi = [] for xi,yi in zip(xin,yin): if xi != last_xi: Yi.append(yi) Xi.append(xi) last_xi = xi topoy = array(Yi) topox = array(Xi) if Show: plt.scatter(xin,yin,marker='+') plt.scatter(topox,topoy) plt.grid(True) show() return topox, topoy def read_result(self,filename=None,title='UnNamedProfile',maxdepth=None): if filename: input = filename else: input = os.path.join(self.basefolder,"f001_res.dat") if not maxdepth: maxdepth = 40 input = open(input,'r') lines = input.readlines() input.close() xin = [] yin = [] Rin = [] for line in lines: x,y,r,logr = line[:-1].split() xin.append(float(x)) yin.append(float(y)) Rin.append(float(logr)) from matplotlib.mlab import griddata from numpy import linspace from scipy import arange, array, meshgrid, ma from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xin = array(xin) yin = array(yin) Rin = array(Rin) topox, topoy = self.extract_topo(xin, yin, Rin) xi = linspace(0.,(self.num_electrodes-1)*self.dE,250) # testing ymax = max(topoy) ymin = min(topoy) - maxdepth yi = linspace(ymin,ymax,maxdepth+1) xi2, yi2 = meshgrid(xi,yi) print 'yin', yin zi = griddata(xin,yin,Rin,xi2,yi2) print 'zi',zi extent = (min(xi),max(xi),min(yi),max(yi)) plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111,aspect=2.5) sc = plt.imshow(zi, cmap=cm.jet,interpolation='bicubic',origin='lower',extent=extent,zorder=-10) cs = plt.contour(zi,origin='lower',extent=extent,colors='k',linewidths=0.25,antialiased=True,zorder=-5) plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=4, inline=1,fmt='%.1f') # print ax.get_units() x1 = topox[11:-11] y1 = topoy[11:-11] y2 = ones(len(topoy[11:-11]))*max(topoy) plt.fill_between(x1,y1+.05,y2,color='w',zorder=10) plt.fill_between(x1,y1-maxdepth-.5,color='w',zorder=-1,alpha=0.8) cb = plt.colorbar(sc, orientation="horizontal", spacing="uniform", format="%.1f",aspect=40,shrink=0.75) cb.set_label('log10(Resistivity (ohm.m))',fontsize=7) # plt.plot(linspace(0,max(xi),len(self.topog[13:-13])),self.topog[13:-13],'k-') plt.plot(x1,y1,'k-',zorder=60) for t in t.set_fontsize(6) if self.title == '': self.title = "Profile: " + title plt.title(self.title,fontsize=10, style='italic', weight='bold') plt.xticks(fontsize=5) plt.yticks(fontsize=5) plt.ylabel('Elevation (m)',fontsize=7) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)',fontsize=7) filename = os.path.join(self.basefolder,title + '.R2.PNG') plt.grid(color='k',linestyle=':',linewidth=0.3,alpha=0.9,zorder=2) plt.xlim(0,(self.num_electrodes-1)*self.dE) plt.ylim(min(yi),max(yi)+5) # plt.savefig(filename,dpi=200,orientation='landscape',papertype='a4') plt.savefig(filename,dpi=200) # plt.clf() def s4kconv(s4kfile): """ Wrapper for SAS4000 S4KCONV program (DOS!) """ """ # convert path to DOS path using cygwin cmd = r'cygpath -d "%s"' % s4kfile.replace('\\', '/') stdin, stdout = os.popen2(cmd, 't') stdin.write('\n') stdin.close() dos_s4kfile = stdout.readline() dos_s4kfile = dos_s4kfile.strip() stdout.close() # convert program path to DOS as well cmd = r'cygpath -d "%s"' % os.path.join(SAS4000_DIR, "s4kconv.exe").replace('\\', '/') stdin, stdout = os.popen2(cmd, 't') stdin.write('\n') stdin.close() dos_s4kconv_path = stdout.readline() dos_s4kconv_path = dos_s4kconv_path.strip() stdout.close() """ ## SAS4000 path SAS4000_DIR = os.path.abspath("./SAS4000") PROTOCOL_DIR = os.path.join(SAS4000_DIR, "C2P2") dos_s4kfile = s4kfile dos_ampfile = dos_s4kfile[:-4] + ".AMP" if os.path.exists(dos_ampfile): os.unlink(dos_ampfile) dos_s4kconv_path = os.path.join(SAS4000_DIR, "s4kconv.exe") #args = r'%s %s %s' % (dos_s4kconv_path, '-F:a', dos_s4kfile) #os.spawnle(os.P_WAIT, os.path.join(SAS4000_DIR, "s4kconv"), args, os.environ) os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, os.path.join(SAS4000_DIR, "s4kconv.exe"), dos_s4kconv_path, '-F:a -z0 -x', dos_s4kfile) tmpfile = dos_ampfile[:-4] + ".TMP" ampfile = s4kfile[:-4] + ".AMP" os.rename(dos_ampfile, tmpfile) fin = open(tmpfile, 'r') fout = open(ampfile, 'w') lines = fin.readlines() fin.close() fout.write("Filename: %s\n" % os.path.split(s4kfile)[1]) for line in lines[1:]: fout.write(line) fout.close() os.unlink(tmpfile) def test_run(): # file = r"c:\Vecquee01.s4k" file = os.path.abspath(r"data\20090806-1.AMP") # title = 'Crossing Railway - 2009-08-20' title = '20090806-1' has_topo = True work_on_AMP = True convert = False run = True num_electrodes = 128 split_factor = 1.0 dE = 5 if work_on_AMP and convert: s4kconv(file) data = ResistivityData() data.num_electrodes = num_electrodes data.split_factor = split_factor data.dE = dE if work_on_AMP: data.ParseAMP(file) else: # you have to define the arrays by providing the values : # data.CMinus = array() # data.CPlus = array() # data.PMinus = array() # data.PPlus = array() # data.Resist = array() pass data.create_mesh() #is based on the topo file if has_topo: topo_file = file[:-3] + 'wgs84' data.add_topo(topo_file) data.export_R2Protocoldat() data.export_R2in() print "AT THIS POINT ; LAUNCH R2.EXE IN THE DATA FOLDER, THEN RERUN THIS SCRIPT TO PLOT THE RESULT" # if run: # os.chdir(os.path.split(file)[0]) # print os.path.join(os.path.split(file)[0],'R2.exe') # os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, os.path.join(os.path.split(file)[0],'R2.exe')) Result = R2_Data(num_electrodes=num_electrodes,split_factor=split_factor,dE=dE) if work_on_AMP: Result.basefolder = data.basefolder Result.read_result(title=title) else: #Result.read_result(filename="PATH_TO_ANOTHER_FILE",title=title) pass if __name__ == "__main__": test_run()
Hey Thanks!
this gives a great starting point for our workflow using R2
My pleasure ! (btw I’m interested in the workflow !)
I am wondering to write such program I’m Matlab, but I dont understand what kind of data I should use for that, having dat file from field data only.
Can you help me?
No, I can’t help. First, I use only matlab when I need to translate code to Python, this program is fairly simple, but I’d suggest you go ahead and learn python, it’s much more fun ! Good luck !
One More question, please!
Do you use inversion in this program!? Is it least square inversion?
Griddata interpolation was used here, but how can you evaluate the inversion results?